All persons entering these premises do so at own risk.
The use of these facilities are at own risk. The Landlord, Owners and Staff Members shall not be responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage arising or suffered by any person making use of these facilities, including, but not limited to, personal injury or death, or any harm caused to any person, or damage, loss or destruction of any property of any person, arising from negligence by the Owners or Staff Members (other than gross negligence on the part of the Owners) or theft or any other reason whatsoever. The Owners or Manager on Duty reserve the right to remove any person from the premises when such a person is a risk to him/herself or any other person or is causing a nuisance. The terms of this notice are severable. Should any legislation or other law restrict or prohibit the effect of this Notice, such restriction or prohibition shall not invalidate the remainder of this Notice.
Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.
Slides may only be used when “Froggy Water Park Musina” staff are present!
Swimming pools may only be used from 11:00 and 18:30. No Diving or running is allowed and “Froggy Water Park Musina” Management takes no responsibility for any persons or children that can not swim.
Visitors are requested to leave the premises by 20:00